In the middle of my holidays, I was browsing my Mastodon feed and found an interesting challenge, small enough that I don't have to spend days to figure this out, but also interesting because even such small problem is leading to some "tricky" usages of Intel SSE/AVX instructions - that I keep rediscovering (When getting older, I tend to forget these details! ๐Ÿ˜… ).

The bulk of the challenge can be summarized as:

How to find efficiently a specified int from an int[] using x86-64 SIMD instructions ?

I won't claim that the version described in this blog post is the fastest on earth, and so the goal is more educational and about SIMD empowering: if you are not familiar with SIMD code or you feel intimidated about using them, please don't! They are fun to use and they can often give this satisfaction of a 10x performance boost!

So let's have a look at the challenge...

The Scalar version

The scalar code of this version is pretty simple:

static int FindSimple(ReadOnlySpan<int> data, int value)
    for (var i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
        if (data[i] == value)
            return i;
    return -1;

I'm using the excellent Disasmo Visual Studio Extension from Egor Bogatov to quickly grab the output assembly for such functions, just a ALT+SHIFT+D keyboard away, and boom! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

; Assembly listing for method BenchFind.BenchmarkFinder:FindSimple_(System.ReadOnlySpan`1[int],int):int
; Emitting BLENDED_CODE for X64 CPU with AVX - Windows
; optimized code
; rsp based frame
; fully interruptible
; No PGO data
; 0 inlinees with PGO data; 1 single block inlinees; 0 inlinees without PGO data

G_M000_IG01:                ;; offset=0000H
G_M000_IG02:                ;; offset=0000H
       488B01               mov      rax, bword ptr [rcx]
       8B4908               mov      ecx, dword ptr [rcx+08H]
       4533C0               xor      r8d, r8d
       85C9                 test     ecx, ecx
       7E11                 jle      SHORT G_M000_IG04
                            align    [0 bytes for IG03]

; <<<<<<<<<<<<<< Loop - Starts here
G_M000_IG03:                ;; offset=000DH
       458BC8               mov      r9d, r8d
       42391488             cmp      dword ptr [rax+4*r9], edx
       740E                 je       SHORT G_M000_IG06
       41FFC0               inc      r8d
       443BC1               cmp      r8d, ecx
       7CEF                 jl       SHORT G_M000_IG03
; <<<<<<<<<<<<<< Loop - Ends here

G_M000_IG04:                ;; offset=001EH
       B8FFFFFFFF           mov      eax, -1
G_M000_IG05:                ;; offset=0023H
       C3                   ret      
G_M000_IG06:                ;; offset=0024H
       418BC0               mov      eax, r8d
G_M000_IG07:                ;; offset=0027H
       C3                   ret      
; Total bytes of code 40

Firstly, you will notice that I have slightly changed the challenge from an int[] to use instead a ReadOnlySpan<int>. This is mainly to make the method usable with any runtime data layout: native buffer, managed buffer or stackalloc.

All .NET compute intensive code these days should use ReadOnlySpan/Span instead of arrays in order to allow more data input layout scenarios.

Secondly, you can also see that the generated ASM code above by the .NET JIT (net7.0 version) is quite good enough, almost identical to the generated C++ version. It is expected, as the .NET JIT is nowadays generating competitive code as long as 1) inlining of critical functions is well performed and 2) the register pressure is low (e.g you don't see registers being spilled out on the stack via the rsp register in critical loops)..

Thirdly, a cautious reader would suggest that this loop could be slightly more optimized with scalar CPU instructions by testing e.g 4 elements instead of only 1 per loop items, and that would be correct! But let's keep the scalar version as simple as it is, we will have more fun with the SIMD version. ๐Ÿ™‚

Generic SIMD Version

One of the cool addition to .NET 7 are generic SIMD code via the namespace System.Runtime.Intrinsics that allows you to write SIMD code without dealing with specific CPU instructions, as long as the code stays simple and you can use the various existing methods available.

This is pretty cool because we can translate the previous scalar loop to a vectorized/SIMD loop with a generic SIMD code that is fairly simple and easy to follow.

Here is the generic Vector128<int> version that is able to process 4 ints per loop:

static int Find_Generic_128_(ReadOnlySpan<int> data, int value)
    // In theory we should check for Vector128.IsHardwareAccelerated and dispatch
    // accordingly, in practice here we don't to keep the code simple.
    var vInts = MemoryMarshal.Cast<int, Vector128<int>>(data);

    var compareValue = Vector128.Create(value);
    var vectorLength = Vector128<int>.Count;

    // Batch <4 x int> per loop
    for (var i = 0; i < vInts.Length; i++)
        var result = Vector128.Equals(vInts[i], compareValue);
        if (result == Vector128<int>.Zero) continue;

        for (var k = 0; k < vectorLength; k++)
            if (result.GetElement(k) != 0)
                return i * vectorLength + k;

    // Scalar process of the remaining
    for (var i = vInts.Length * vectorLength; i < data.Length; i++)
        if (data[i] == value)
            return i;

    return -1;

And the generic Vector256<int> version that is able to process 8 ints per loop:

static int Find_Generic_256_(ReadOnlySpan<int> data, int value)
    // In theory we should check for Vector256.IsHardwareAccelerated and dispatch
    // accordingly, in practice here we don't to keep the code simple.
    var vInts = MemoryMarshal.Cast<int, Vector256<int>>(data);

    var compareValue = Vector256.Create(value);
    var vectorLength = Vector256<int>.Count;

    // Batch <8 x int> per loop
    for (var i = 0; i < vInts.Length; i++)
        var result = Vector256.Equals(vInts[i], compareValue);
        if (result == Vector256<int>.Zero) continue;

        for (var k = 0; k < vectorLength; k++)
            if (result.GetElement(k) != 0)
                return i * vectorLength + k;

    // Scalar process of the remaining
    for (var i = vInts.Length * vectorLength; i < data.Length; i++)
        if (data[i] == value)
            return i;

    return -1;

The results of the benchmark are:

Method N Mean Error StdDev Median Ratio RatioSD
Find_Simple 32 9.497 ns 0.2087 ns 0.2993 ns 9.555 ns 1.00 0.00
Find_Generic_128 32 4.572 ns 0.0025 ns 0.0020 ns 4.572 ns 0.48 0.01
Find_Generic_256 32 7.308 ns 0.5040 ns 1.4861 ns 7.455 ns 0.78 0.17
Find_Simple 64 16.557 ns 0.3431 ns 0.4580 ns 16.622 ns 1.00 0.00
Find_Generic_128 64 8.531 ns 0.0269 ns 0.0238 ns 8.543 ns 0.52 0.01
Find_Generic_256 64 6.626 ns 0.0900 ns 0.0752 ns 6.589 ns 0.41 0.01
Find_Simple 128 35.024 ns 0.3709 ns 0.3097 ns 35.064 ns 1.00 0.00
Find_Generic_128 128 15.533 ns 0.0437 ns 0.0341 ns 15.546 ns 0.44 0.00
Find_Generic_256 128 10.098 ns 0.0235 ns 0.0208 ns 10.096 ns 0.29 0.00
Find_Simple 256 64.626 ns 1.1894 ns 1.1126 ns 64.496 ns 1.00 0.00
Find_Generic_128 256 35.388 ns 0.0965 ns 0.0855 ns 35.392 ns 0.55 0.01
Find_Generic_256 256 16.866 ns 0.0433 ns 0.0384 ns 16.881 ns 0.26 0.00
Find_Simple 512 120.302 ns 1.6310 ns 1.5256 ns 119.891 ns 1.00 0.00
Find_Generic_128 512 63.086 ns 0.1117 ns 0.1044 ns 63.058 ns 0.52 0.01
Find_Generic_256 512 39.328 ns 0.8087 ns 2.3845 ns 38.056 ns 0.33 0.02
Find_Simple 1024 232.160 ns 1.9791 ns 1.8512 ns 232.436 ns 1.00 0.00
Find_Generic_128 1024 119.290 ns 0.2275 ns 0.2017 ns 119.350 ns 0.51 0.00
Find_Generic_256 1024 65.283 ns 0.1176 ns 0.1100 ns 65.236 ns 0.28 0.00
Find_Simple 4096 894.287 ns 3.6022 ns 3.0080 ns 894.541 ns 1.00 0.00
Find_Generic_128 4096 454.083 ns 0.3423 ns 0.3035 ns 454.020 ns 0.51 0.00
Find_Generic_256 4096 234.391 ns 2.5310 ns 2.1135 ns 234.057 ns 0.26 0.00
Find_Simple 8192 1,796.290 ns 13.4828 ns 12.6118 ns 1,792.636 ns 1.00 0.00
Find_Generic_128 8192 901.999 ns 1.8796 ns 1.7582 ns 902.707 ns 0.50 0.00
Find_Generic_256 8192 465.352 ns 5.0166 ns 4.6925 ns 462.971 ns 0.26 0.00

The Vector128.Equals(vInts[i], compareValue) and Vector256.Equals(vInts[i], compareValue) generates a mask (int -1/0xFFFF_FFFF) when the value is equal, or zero otherwise.

We haven't optimized more than using just plain generic SIMD instructions, and this is already giving a nice performance boost from 2x to 4x. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

CPU SIMD Optimized version

That's great, but if you are looking for more performance, we can still go a bit further by using CPU specific SIMD intrinsics instructions with Intel x86-64. Let's have a look!

But first, what is wrong with the previous generic SIMD versions? If we look at the generated assembly for the SIMD 128 bit version, we will quickly find something suspicious:

; Assembly listing for method BenchFind.BenchmarkFinder:Find_Generic_128_(System.ReadOnlySpan`1[int],int):int
; Emitting BLENDED_CODE for X64 CPU with AVX - Windows
; optimized code
; rsp based frame
; fully interruptible
; No PGO data
; 0 inlinees with PGO data; 8 single block inlinees; 1 inlinees without PGO data

G_M000_IG01:                ;; offset=0000H
       4883EC38             sub      rsp, 56
       C5F877               vzeroupper 
       33C0                 xor      eax, eax
       4889442428           mov      qword ptr [rsp+28H], rax
       4889442430           mov      qword ptr [rsp+30H], rax
G_M000_IG02:                ;; offset=0013H
       488B01               mov      rax, bword ptr [rcx]
       8B4908               mov      ecx, dword ptr [rcx+08H]
       448BC1               mov      r8d, ecx
       49C1E002             shl      r8, 2
       49C1E804             shr      r8, 4
       4981F8FFFFFF7F       cmp      r8, 0x7FFFFFFF
       0F8790000000         ja       G_M000_IG15
       C4E1796EC2           vmovd    xmm0, edx
       C4E27958C0           vpbroadcastd xmm0, xmm0
       4533C9               xor      r9d, r9d
       4585C0               test     r8d, r8d
       7E3F                 jle      SHORT G_M000_IG07
G_M000_IG03:                ;; offset=0043H
       458BD1               mov      r10d, r9d
       49C1E204             shl      r10, 4
       C4A179760C10         vpcmpeqd xmm1, xmm0, xmmword ptr [rax+r10]
       C4E27917C9           vptest   xmm1, xmm1
       7423                 je       SHORT G_M000_IG06
G_M000_IG04:                ;; offset=0057H
       4533D2               xor      r10d, r10d
       660F1F440000         align    [6 bytes for IG05]
G_M000_IG05:                ;; offset=0060H
       C4E179114C2428       vmovupd  xmmword ptr [rsp+28H], xmm1
       468B5C9428           mov      r11d, dword ptr [rsp+4*r10+28H]
       4585DB               test     r11d, r11d
       7547                 jne      SHORT G_M000_IG13
       41FFC2               inc      r10d
       4183FA04             cmp      r10d, 4
       7CE6                 jl       SHORT G_M000_IG05
G_M000_IG06:                ;; offset=007AH
       41FFC1               inc      r9d
       453BC8               cmp      r9d, r8d
       7CC1                 jl       SHORT G_M000_IG03
G_M000_IG07:                ;; offset=0082H
       41C1E002             shl      r8d, 2
       443BC1               cmp      r8d, ecx
       7D1B                 jge      SHORT G_M000_IG09
       0F1F440000           align    [5 bytes for IG08]
G_M000_IG08:                ;; offset=0090H
       443BC1               cmp      r8d, ecx
       7332                 jae      SHORT G_M000_IG16
       458BC8               mov      r9d, r8d
       42391488             cmp      dword ptr [rax+4*r9], edx
       7412                 je       SHORT G_M000_IG11
       41FFC0               inc      r8d
       443BC1               cmp      r8d, ecx
       7CEA                 jl       SHORT G_M000_IG08
G_M000_IG09:                ;; offset=00A6H
       B8FFFFFFFF           mov      eax, -1
G_M000_IG10:                ;; offset=00ABH
       4883C438             add      rsp, 56
       C3                   ret      
G_M000_IG11:                ;; offset=00B0H
       418BC0               mov      eax, r8d
G_M000_IG12:                ;; offset=00B3H
       4883C438             add      rsp, 56
       C3                   ret      
G_M000_IG13:                ;; offset=00B8H
       438D048A             lea      eax, [r10+4*r9]
G_M000_IG14:                ;; offset=00BCH
       4883C438             add      rsp, 56
       C3                   ret      
G_M000_IG15:                ;; offset=00C1H
       E8AA7BC35F           call     CORINFO_HELP_OVERFLOW
       CC                   int3     
G_M000_IG16:                ;; offset=00C7H
       E81480C35F           call     CORINFO_HELP_RNGCHKFAIL
       CC                   int3     
; Total bytes of code 205

The ASM code starts with sub rsp, 56 which indicates that there is some stack spilling going on. It's not always a bad thing for long method, but for such a short compute intensive code, it might start to be a red flag, especially if the stack spilling occurs within a tight loop.

What is generating this stack spill?

We can see it in the middle of the ASM code:

G_M000_IG05:                ;; offset=0060H
       C4E179114C2428       vmovupd  xmmword ptr [rsp+28H], xmm1
       468B5C9428           mov      r11d, dword ptr [rsp+4*r10+28H]
       4585DB               test     r11d, r11d
       7547                 jne      SHORT G_M000_IG13
       41FFC2               inc      r10d
       4183FA04             cmp      r10d, 4
       7CE6                 jl       SHORT G_M000_IG05

and this code is actually associated with the following C# code:

        // Will generate stack spilling!
        for (var k = 0; k < vectorLength; k++)
            if (result.GetElement(k) != 0)
                return i * vectorLength + k;

D'oh! So this very inoffensive code is generating a back and forth from memory in order to check which int component in the Vector128<int> is actually matching! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

The stack spilling is not that terrible because this code only runs once we have a match, but for a small input, it might adds up.

Ok, so let's optimize the SIMD version with some unsafe tricks, MOAR SIMD per loop and CPU specific intrinsics:

public static int Find_AVX_256_Optimized(ReadOnlySpan<int> data, int value)
    // Our data cursor
    ref var pv = ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(data);

    var compareValue = Vector256.Create(value);
    nint length = data.Length;

    // Process 32 int (8 * 4) per loop (128 bytes)
    nint bound1024 = length & ~(Vector256<int>.Count * 4 - 1);
    nint i = 0;
    for (; i < bound1024; i += Vector256<int>.Count * 4)
        var r1 = Vector256.Equals(Unsafe.As<int, Vector256<int>>(ref Unsafe.Add(ref pv, i)), compareValue);
        var r2 = Vector256.Equals(Unsafe.As<int, Vector256<int>>(ref Unsafe.Add(ref pv, i + Vector256<int>.Count)), compareValue);
        var r3 = Vector256.Equals(Unsafe.As<int, Vector256<int>>(ref Unsafe.Add(ref pv, i + Vector256<int>.Count * 2)), compareValue);
        var r4 = Vector256.Equals(Unsafe.As<int, Vector256<int>>(ref Unsafe.Add(ref pv, i + Vector256<int>.Count * 3)), compareValue);

        var r5 = r1 | r2 | r3 | r4;
        if (r5 != Vector256<int>.Zero)
            // r12 = pack 32 to 16 of r1/r2
            var t = Avx2.Permute2x128(r1, r2, 0b_0010_0000);
            r2 = Avx2.Permute2x128(r1, r2, 0b_0011_0001);
            r1 = t;
            Vector256<short> r12 = Avx2.PackSignedSaturate(r1, r2).AsInt16();

            // r34 = pack 32 to 16 of r3/r4
            t = Avx2.Permute2x128(r3, r4, 0b_0010_0000);
            r4 = Avx2.Permute2x128(r3, r4, 0b_0011_0001);
            r3 = t;
            Vector256<short> r34 = Avx2.PackSignedSaturate(r3, r4).AsInt16();

            // pack 16 to 8 of r12/r34
            var t1 = Avx2.Permute2x128(r12, r34, 0b_0010_0000);
            r34 = Avx2.Permute2x128(r12, r34, 0b_0011_0001);
            r12 = t1;
            Vector256<sbyte> r = Avx2.PackSignedSaturate(r12, r34);

            // Get the mask from <8 x byte>
            var idx = Avx2.MoveMask(r);
            return (int)(i + BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(idx));

    // Process 8 int per loop (32 bytes)
    nint bound256 = length & ~(Vector256<int>.Count - 1);
    for (; i < bound256; i += Vector256<int>.Count)
        var r1 = Vector256.Equals(Unsafe.As<int, Vector256<int>>(ref Unsafe.Add(ref pv, i)), compareValue);
        if (r1 != Vector256<int>.Zero)
            // Get the mask from <8 x int> to byte
            var rByte = Avx.MoveMask(r1.AsSingle());
            // And get the local index
            var idx = BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount((uint)rByte);
            return (int)(i + idx);

    // Process remaining
    for (; i < length; i++)
        if (Unsafe.Add(ref pv, i) == value)
            return (int)i;

    return -1;

And this code gets translated to the following optimized ASM code:

; Assembly listing for method BenchFind.BatchFinder:Find_AVX2_256_Optimized(System.ReadOnlySpan`1[int],int):int
; Emitting BLENDED_CODE for X64 CPU with AVX - Windows
; optimized code
; rsp based frame
; fully interruptible
; No PGO data
; 2 inlinees with PGO data; 3 single block inlinees; 0 inlinees without PGO data

G_M000_IG01:                ;; offset=0000H
       C5F877               vzeroupper 
G_M000_IG02:                ;; offset=0003H
       488B01               mov      rax, bword ptr [rcx]
       C4E1796EC2           vmovd    xmm0, edx
       C4E27D58C0           vpbroadcastd ymm0, ymm0
       8B4908               mov      ecx, dword ptr [rcx+08H]
       4863C9               movsxd   rcx, ecx
       4C8BC1               mov      r8, rcx
       4983E0E0             and      r8, -32
       4533C9               xor      r9d, r9d
       4D85C0               test     r8, r8
       7E45                 jle      SHORT G_M000_IG04
                            align    [0 bytes for IG03]
G_M000_IG03:                ;; offset=0025H
       4D8BD1               mov      r10, r9
       49C1E202             shl      r10, 2
       C4A17D760C10         vpcmpeqd ymm1, ymm0, ymmword ptr[rax+r10]
       C4A17D76541020       vpcmpeqd ymm2, ymm0, ymmword ptr[rax+r10+20H]
       C4A17D765C1040       vpcmpeqd ymm3, ymm0, ymmword ptr[rax+r10+40H]
       C4A17D76641060       vpcmpeqd ymm4, ymm0, ymmword ptr[rax+r10+60H]
       C4E175EBEA           vpor     ymm5, ymm1, ymm2
       C4E155EBEB           vpor     ymm5, ymm5, ymm3
       C4E155EBEC           vpor     ymm5, ymm5, ymm4
       C4E27D17ED           vptest   ymm5, ymm5
       7571                 jne      SHORT G_M000_IG14
       4983C120             add      r9, 32
       4D3BC8               cmp      r9, r8
       7CBB                 jl       SHORT G_M000_IG03
G_M000_IG04:                ;; offset=006AH
       4C8BC1               mov      r8, rcx
       4983E0F8             and      r8, -8
       4D3BC8               cmp      r9, r8
       7D20                 jge      SHORT G_M000_IG06
       66660F1F840000000000 align    [10 bytes for IG05]
G_M000_IG05:                ;; offset=0080H
       C4A17D760C88         vpcmpeqd ymm1, ymm0, ymmword ptr[rax+4*r9]
       C4E27D17C9           vptest   ymm1, ymm1
       7531                 jne      SHORT G_M000_IG12
       4983C108             add      r9, 8
       4D3BC8               cmp      r9, r8
       7CEA                 jl       SHORT G_M000_IG05
G_M000_IG06:                ;; offset=0096H
       4C3BC9               cmp      r9, rcx
       7D13                 jge      SHORT G_M000_IG08
       0F1F440000           align    [5 bytes for IG07]
G_M000_IG07:                ;; offset=00A0H
       42391488             cmp      dword ptr [rax+4*r9], edx
       7411                 je       SHORT G_M000_IG10
       49FFC1               inc      r9
       4C3BC9               cmp      r9, rcx
       7CF2                 jl       SHORT G_M000_IG07
G_M000_IG08:                ;; offset=00AEH
       B8FFFFFFFF           mov      eax, -1
G_M000_IG09:                ;; offset=00B3H
       C5F877               vzeroupper 
       C3                   ret      
G_M000_IG10:                ;; offset=00B7H
       418BC1               mov      eax, r9d
G_M000_IG11:                ;; offset=00BAH
       C5F877               vzeroupper 
       C3                   ret      
G_M000_IG12:                ;; offset=00BEH
       C5FC50C1             vmovmskps yrax, ymm1
       F30FBCC0             tzcnt    eax, eax
       4103C1               add      eax, r9d
G_M000_IG13:                ;; offset=00C9H
       C5F877               vzeroupper 
       C3                   ret      
G_M000_IG14:                ;; offset=00CDH
       C4E37546C220         vperm2i128 ymm0, ymm1, ymm2, 32
       C4E37546D231         vperm2i128 ymm2, ymm1, ymm2, 49
       C5FC28C8             vmovaps  ymm1, ymm0
       C4E36546C420         vperm2i128 ymm0, ymm3, ymm4, 32
       C4E36546E431         vperm2i128 ymm4, ymm3, ymm4, 49
       C5FD6BC4             vpackssdw ymm0, ymm0, ymm4
       C5F56BCA             vpackssdw ymm1, ymm1, ymm2
       C4E37546D020         vperm2i128 ymm2, ymm1, ymm0, 32
       C4E37546C031         vperm2i128 ymm0, ymm1, ymm0, 49
       C5ED63C0             vpacksswb ymm0, ymm2, ymm0
       C5FDD7C0             vpmovmskb eax, ymm0
       F30FBCC0             tzcnt    eax, eax
       4103C1               add      eax, r9d
G_M000_IG15:                ;; offset=010CH
       C5F877               vzeroupper 
       C3                   ret      
; Total bytes of code 272

As you can see, the generated code is now heavily optimized, very compact, using only registers. I wouldn't have been able to write much better ASM code If I had to write it by hand!

So in order to further optimize our code, we have followed a few very simple princples and used some specific Intel instructions:

  • Using a ref data cursor instead of ReadOnlySpan.
  • Using nint instead of int indexer.
  • Using more batches.
  • Using specific Intel intrinsics tricks.

Let's have a look at them.

Using ref

Firstly, we are going to use a ref data cursor instead of accessing the ReadOnlySpan<int>, this is done with the first instruction:

    // Our data cursor
    ref var pv = ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(data);

The benefit of doing this is that it will remove all bounds checks that you can still see around in the generic version (because some patterns are not fully detected). We are using a ref instead of an unsafe * pointer for the reason that we still want our code to be GC friendly. Using a ref here allows the GC to update this pointer if necessary (if the pointed data is being moved by the GC) while a fixed/pinned statement would block the GC for moving this data around and might cause GC fragmentation.

You might then wonder how do we advance a ref? Simply by using the Unsafe.Add<T>(ref T, nint elementOffset) method! (and other related methods):

// Load a Vector256<int> from a ref int at the index i + Vector256<int>.Count * 3
// equivalent of:
// Unsafe.As<int, Vector256<int>>(ref data[i + Vector256<int>.Count * 3])
Unsafe.As<int, Vector256<int>>(ref Unsafe.Add(ref pv, i + Vector256<int>.Count * 3))

Using nint

Secondly, we need to return an index to the data, so we are declaring the variable nint i = 0; at the beginning that we will keep between the different batch groups. Now you might wonder why using nint instead of a int? nint is a shorthand for System.IntPtr and matches the CPU register size. It helps the compiler to avoid generating many up-casting from int32 to int64 in various places (movsxd instructions). In the generic ReadOnlySpan<int> SIMD version, you won't see this movsxd instructions, because the compiler is able to detect such pattern, but because in our case we are keeping a single variable across the different batch groups (next section), the compiler won't notice this and will generate these spurious movsxd.

Using more batches

Thirdly, we want to increase the batch, so that the cost of the loop is reduced compared to the code doing the actual computation. In the previous generic Vector128<int> version, the compute intensive loop is like this and there is almost as much code to run the loop than to perform the actual computation:

G_M000_IG03:                ;; offset=0043H
       458BD1               mov      r10d, r9d
       49C1E204             shl      r10, 4
       ; <<<<<<< Actual computation code - starts
       C4A179760C10         vpcmpeqd xmm1, xmm0, xmmword ptr [rax+r10]
       C4E27917C9           vptest   xmm1, xmm1
       7423                 je       SHORT G_M000_IG06
       ; >>>>>>> Actual computation code - ends

; [...] skipping some lines

G_M000_IG06:                ;; offset=007AH
       41FFC1               inc      r9d
       453BC8               cmp      r9d, r8d
       7CC1                 jl       SHORT G_M000_IG03

So, we are breaking our code into 3 loops, from a coarser batch to a scalar loop:

  • A first loop that can process 4 x Vector256<int>, so 128 bytes per loop item
  • A remaining loop that can process 1 x Vector256<int>, so 32 bytes per loop item
  • And the remaining scalar loop, so 4 bytes per loop.

Another trick is to minimize the computation when we haven't found an item, even in the case of the 4 x Vector256<int>. The trick here is to generate a single branch for checking if we have a match by OR|ing the 4 comparisons and only check the result of the OR|ing:

        var r1 = Vector256.Equals(Unsafe.As<int, Vector256<int>>(ref Unsafe.Add(ref pv, i)), compareValue);
        var r2 = Vector256.Equals(Unsafe.As<int, Vector256<int>>(ref Unsafe.Add(ref pv, i + Vector256<int>.Count)), compareValue);
        var r3 = Vector256.Equals(Unsafe.As<int, Vector256<int>>(ref Unsafe.Add(ref pv, i + Vector256<int>.Count * 2)), compareValue);
        var r4 = Vector256.Equals(Unsafe.As<int, Vector256<int>>(ref Unsafe.Add(ref pv, i + Vector256<int>.Count * 3)), compareValue);

        var r5 = r1 | r2 | r3 | r4;
        if (r5 != Vector256<int>.Zero)
            // .... We have found something!

And here is how our loop looks like now:

G_M000_IG03:                ;; offset=0025H
       4D8BD1               mov      r10, r9
       49C1E202             shl      r10, 2
       C4A17D760C10         vpcmpeqd ymm1, ymm0, ymmword ptr[rax+r10]
       C4A17D76541020       vpcmpeqd ymm2, ymm0, ymmword ptr[rax+r10+20H]
       C4A17D765C1040       vpcmpeqd ymm3, ymm0, ymmword ptr[rax+r10+40H]
       C4A17D76641060       vpcmpeqd ymm4, ymm0, ymmword ptr[rax+r10+60H]
       C4E175EBEA           vpor     ymm5, ymm1, ymm2
       C4E155EBEB           vpor     ymm5, ymm5, ymm3
       C4E155EBEC           vpor     ymm5, ymm5, ymm4
       C4E27D17ED           vptest   ymm5, ymm5
       7571                 jne      SHORT G_M000_IG14
       4983C120             add      r9, 32
       4D3BC8               cmp      r9, r8
       7CBB                 jl       SHORT G_M000_IG03

It shows that we are doing more compute work than the loop machinery (add r9, 32, cmp r9, r8...etc.) and it helps to lower its cost. Compared to the generic version, we have now multiple instructions involved that are processing 4 times more data per loop!

Using CPU intrinsics

Now, how can we avoid the stack spilling by not using Vector256<T>.GetElement(index)? By using specific SSE/AVX instructions!

For the first 4 x Vector256<int> batch, we are using the following code to compute the index of the first element found without using any branches:

if (r5 != Vector256<int>.Zero)
    // r12 = pack 32 to 16 of r1/r2
    var t = Avx2.Permute2x128(r1, r2, 0b_0010_0000);
    r2 = Avx2.Permute2x128(r1, r2, 0b_0011_0001);
    r1 = t;
    Vector256<short> r12 = Avx2.PackSignedSaturate(r1, r2).AsInt16();

    // r34 = pack 32 to 16 of r3/r4
    t = Avx2.Permute2x128(r3, r4, 0b_0010_0000);
    r4 = Avx2.Permute2x128(r3, r4, 0b_0011_0001);
    r3 = t;
    Vector256<short> r34 = Avx2.PackSignedSaturate(r3, r4).AsInt16();

    // pack 16 to 8 of r12/r34
    var t1 = Avx2.Permute2x128(r12, r34, 0b_0010_0000);
    r34 = Avx2.Permute2x128(r12, r34, 0b_0011_0001);
    r12 = t1;
    Vector256<sbyte> r = Avx2.PackSignedSaturate(r12, r34);

    // Get the mask from <8 x byte>
    var idx = Avx2.MoveMask(r);
    return (int)(i + BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(idx));

So we have 4 x Vector256<int> registers in r1, r2, r3, r4, and what we are going to do is to downcast these 32 x int to 32 x byte, so a single Vector256<byte> register, and from there, there is an instruction (movemask) from generating a mask for each byte.

I'm always using the Intel Intrinsics Guide to look at these functions. If you look at the comment of the functions, you will see the CPU instruction name VPERM2I128:

    /// <summary>
    ///   <para>__m256i _mm256_permute2x128_si256 (__m256i a, __m256i b, const int imm8)</para>
    ///   <para>VPERM2I128 ymm, ymm, ymm/m256, imm8</para>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="left" />
    /// <param name="right" />
    /// <param name="control" />
    public new static Vector256<int> Permute2x128(
      Vector256<int> left,
      Vector256<int> right,
      byte control)

Which expands to this manual here.

It gives a description Shuffle 128-bits (composed of integer data) selected by imm8 from a and b, and store the results in dst. but this is too vague to help really understand how this intruction works. But the good thing is that we have the details of the instructions defined via a pseudo microcode just below the description, and that's super useful to understand such functions! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

__m256i _mm256_permute2x128_si256 (__m256i a, __m256i b, const int imm8)

DEFINE SELECT4(src1, src2, control) {
	CASE(control[1:0]) OF
	0:	tmp[127:0] := src1[127:0]
	1:	tmp[127:0] := src1[255:128]
	2:	tmp[127:0] := src2[127:0]
	3:	tmp[127:0] := src2[255:128]
	IF control[3]
		tmp[127:0] := 0
	RETURN tmp[127:0]
dst[127:0] := SELECT4(a[255:0], b[255:0], imm8[3:0])
dst[255:128] := SELECT4(a[255:0], b[255:0], imm8[7:4])
dst[MAX:256] := 0

So we are using it like this:

    var t = Avx2.Permute2x128(r1, r2, 0b_0010_0000);
    r2 = Avx2.Permute2x128(r1, r2, 0b_0011_0001);
    r1 = t;

The first 0b_0010_0000 is going to translate to:

  • imm8[3:0] = 0
  • imm8[7:4] = 2 while the second 0b_0011_0001 is translating to:
  • imm8[3:0] = 1
  • imm8[7:4] = 3

And basically, this instruction with these control byte are packing the low and high 128 bits part together of the two r1/r2 registers:


Why are we performing such swap? Because most of the AVX2 SIMD instructions are working on interleaved SIMD 128 lanes, and the instruction PackSignedSaturate(Vector256<int> left, Vector256<int> right) which is the instrinsic VPACKSSDW/_mm256_packs_epi32 is defined like this:

__m256i _mm256_packs_epi32 (__m256i a, __m256i b)

dst[15:0] := Saturate16(a[31:0])          ; a[127:0]
dst[31:16] := Saturate16(a[63:32])
dst[47:32] := Saturate16(a[95:64])
dst[63:48] := Saturate16(a[127:96])

dst[79:64] := Saturate16(b[31:0])         ; b[128:0]
dst[95:80] := Saturate16(b[63:32])
dst[111:96] := Saturate16(b[95:64])
dst[127:112] := Saturate16(b[127:96])

dst[143:128] := Saturate16(a[159:128])    ; a[255:128]
dst[159:144] := Saturate16(a[191:160])
dst[175:160] := Saturate16(a[223:192])
dst[191:176] := Saturate16(a[255:224])

dst[207:192] := Saturate16(b[159:128])    ; b[255:128]
dst[223:208] := Saturate16(b[191:160])
dst[239:224] := Saturate16(b[223:192])
dst[255:240] := Saturate16(b[255:224])
dst[MAX:256] := 0

Notice that the function is first processing a[127:0], then b[128:0], then a[255:128] and then b[255:128]!

That's why we need to swap the 128 parts around in order to keep the order of the data.

We further reduce from int to short, and from short to byte.

The last SIMD instruction Avx2.MoveMask(Vector256<byte>) (intrinsic _mm256_movemask_epi8) is compressing the 32 bytes into 32 bits.

int _mm256_movemask_epi8 (__m256i a)

FOR j := 0 to 31
	i := j*8
	dst[j] := a[i+7]

We can then extract the local position within these 32 bytes by using BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(int).

But as suggested by Nietras here, instead of performing the permutation before the PackSignedSaturate we could do it after the packing and save 1 permutation per pack, which is quite nice!:

if (r5 != Vector256<int>.Zero)
    // r12 = pack 32 to 16 of r1/r2
    // r34 = pack 32 to 16 of r3/r4
    // but it's working on 128 bit lanes, so we need to reorder them
    Vector256<short> r12 = Avx2.PackSignedSaturate(r1, r2).AsInt16();
    Vector256<short> r34 = Avx2.PackSignedSaturate(r3, r4).AsInt16();

    // Reorder r12 & r34 correctly
    r12 = Avx2.Permute4x64(r12.AsInt64(), 0b_11_01_10_00).AsInt16();
    r34 = Avx2.Permute4x64(r34.AsInt64(), 0b_11_01_10_00).AsInt16();

    // pack 16 to 8 of r12/r34
    Vector256<sbyte> r = Avx2.PackSignedSaturate(r12, r34);

    // Reorder r correctly
    r = Avx2.Permute4x64(r.AsInt64(), 0b_11_01_10_00).AsSByte();

    // Get the mask from <8 x byte>
    var idx = Avx2.MoveMask(r);
    return (int)(i + BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(idx));

and generates the following assembly:

G_M000_IG14:                ;; offset=00CDH
       C5E56BC4             vpackssdw ymm0, ymm3, ymm4
       C4E3FD00C0D8         vpermq   ymm0, ymm0, -40
       C5F56BCA             vpackssdw ymm1, ymm1, ymm2
       C4E3FD00C9D8         vpermq   ymm1, ymm1, -40
       C5F563C0             vpacksswb ymm0, ymm1, ymm0
       C4E3FD00C0D8         vpermq   ymm0, ymm0, -40
       C5FDD7C0             vpmovmskb eax, ymm0
       F30FBCC0             tzcnt    eax, eax
       4103C1               add      eax, r9d

Similarly, the loop processing 1 x Vector256<int> is using the Avx2.MoveMask(Vector256<float>) to compute this index per int directly from the Vector256<int> result of the comparison. As you can see, the signature is using a float (!) while it does work on a 32 int as well, which is super convenient. There are plenty of instructions like this in SSE/AVX that looks like they are only relevant for floating point while they do work also for integer types.


And the results of the benchmark is giving a significant boost for the optimized version, from 4x to 10x performance boost! (Oops, actually, it looks like closer to x8, but let's keep 10x for the marketing ๐Ÿ˜)

Method N Mean Error StdDev Median Ratio RatioSD
Find_Simple 32 9.481 ns 0.2092 ns 0.3066 ns 9.491 ns 1.00 0.00
Find_Generic_128 32 6.420 ns 0.0166 ns 0.0129 ns 6.416 ns 0.67 0.03
Find_Generic_256 32 4.663 ns 0.0309 ns 0.0258 ns 4.656 ns 0.49 0.02
Find_AVX_256_Optimized 32 2.275 ns 0.0156 ns 0.0146 ns 2.278 ns 0.24 0.01
Find_Simple 64 16.442 ns 0.3419 ns 0.4324 ns 16.264 ns 1.00 0.00
Find_Generic_128 64 13.991 ns 0.6312 ns 1.8411 ns 12.551 ns 0.86 0.12
Find_Generic_256 64 6.509 ns 0.0365 ns 0.0285 ns 6.523 ns 0.39 0.01
Find_AVX_256_Optimized 64 2.855 ns 0.0116 ns 0.0103 ns 2.857 ns 0.17 0.00
Find_Simple 128 35.323 ns 0.5072 ns 0.4496 ns 35.470 ns 1.00 0.00
Find_Generic_128 128 22.573 ns 0.0498 ns 0.0441 ns 22.581 ns 0.64 0.01
Find_Generic_256 128 9.979 ns 0.0276 ns 0.0245 ns 9.977 ns 0.28 0.00
Find_AVX_256_Optimized 128 5.196 ns 0.0095 ns 0.0089 ns 5.199 ns 0.15 0.00
Find_Simple 256 64.433 ns 1.2814 ns 1.1986 ns 63.995 ns 1.00 0.00
Find_Generic_128 256 48.901 ns 0.0357 ns 0.0334 ns 48.907 ns 0.76 0.01
Find_Generic_256 256 16.789 ns 0.0683 ns 0.0638 ns 16.815 ns 0.26 0.00
Find_AVX_256_Optimized 256 9.886 ns 0.0140 ns 0.0124 ns 9.886 ns 0.15 0.00
Find_Simple 512 120.161 ns 1.3342 ns 1.1828 ns 120.274 ns 1.00 0.00
Find_Generic_128 512 89.880 ns 0.1807 ns 0.1690 ns 89.867 ns 0.75 0.01
Find_Generic_256 512 37.246 ns 0.3284 ns 0.3225 ns 37.262 ns 0.31 0.00
Find_AVX_256_Optimized 512 15.867 ns 0.0183 ns 0.0171 ns 15.863 ns 0.13 0.00
Find_Simple 1024 232.331 ns 2.8660 ns 2.6808 ns 232.469 ns 1.00 0.00
Find_Generic_128 1024 173.437 ns 1.2228 ns 1.0840 ns 172.894 ns 0.75 0.01
Find_Generic_256 1024 64.866 ns 0.0929 ns 0.0726 ns 64.850 ns 0.28 0.00
Find_AVX_256_Optimized 1024 28.875 ns 0.0765 ns 0.0715 ns 28.891 ns 0.12 0.00
Find_Simple 4096 898.684 ns 8.5403 ns 7.9886 ns 896.829 ns 1.00 0.00
Find_Generic_128 4096 673.922 ns 1.8541 ns 1.6436 ns 673.437 ns 0.75 0.01
Find_Generic_256 4096 232.696 ns 0.9915 ns 0.8790 ns 232.518 ns 0.26 0.00
Find_AVX_256_Optimized 4096 115.904 ns 0.5819 ns 0.5158 ns 115.905 ns 0.13 0.00
Find_Simple 8192 1,781.139 ns 6.3148 ns 5.2731 ns 1,779.763 ns 1.00 0.00
Find_Generic_128 8192 1,337.138 ns 3.3049 ns 3.0914 ns 1,336.492 ns 0.75 0.00
Find_Generic_256 8192 457.116 ns 0.7556 ns 0.7068 ns 457.027 ns 0.26 0.00
Find_AVX_256_Optimized 8192 223.426 ns 0.1103 ns 0.0978 ns 223.445 ns 0.13 0.00

Final words

Nowadays, large and small processing of data is requiring going full width on the CPU in order to achieve optimal performance - before going wider on the CPU cores. It is no surprise that the .NET Teams have been optimizing already the .NET Base Class Libraries (BCL) for several years now with such intrinsics. See all the .NET Performance blog posts from Stephen Toub for .NET 5, .NET 6 and .NET 7, they will give you a - huge! - glimpse of what is happening there. Simple functions like string.IndexOf(char) are using these SIMD intrinsics under the hood and are implemented entirely and super efficiently in C# without the need for a C++ fallback.

Not only the BCL is benefiting from the usage of such intrinsics, but the whole .NET ecosystem, with plenty of OSS projects, are joining the effort: for example, Nietras shared recently a cool library Sep - Possibly the World's Fastest .NET CSV Parser which is extensively using SIMD intrinsics to dramatically boost CSV parsing speed.

The initial simple implementation in this post also shows that the C++ compiler won't be able to optimize it better (no auto-vectorization) without specific compiler pattern matching (and I haven't seen any implementing this one in particular), and so, it makes it relevant to implement such optimized loops with .NET Vector intrinsics and CPU intrinsics to deliver the best performance.

More specifically, the zoo of Intel SIMD intrinsics can be involved in more algorithm tricks than their ARM counterparts, and that's the cool and fun part of this: Figuring out how to best use them!

Finally, if you need to micro-optimize such functions, one rule of thumb: never guess! Always profile, benchmark and check the generated output ASM to find out and understand optimization opportunities. ๐Ÿงช

Happy coding! ๐Ÿค—

PS: The code is available as a gist here